Karate BDD: Fetching Data from Database in a Loop – A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Saska - hkhazo.biz.id

Karate BDD: Fetching Data from Database in a Loop – A Step-by-Step Guide

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Imagine being able to fetch data from a database in a loop, effortlessly, using Karate BDD. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, buckle up, folks, because today we’re going to make that dream a reality! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of fetching data from a database in a loop using Karate BDD, the popular open-source API test automation framework.

What is Karate BDD?

If you’re new to Karate BDD, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Karate BDD is an open-source API test automation framework that allows you to write tests in a natural language style, using a simple and intuitive syntax. It’s built on top of the Cucumber framework and provides a comprehensive set of features for API testing, including support for databases, mocks, and more.

Why Use Karate BDD for Database Testing?

Karate BDD is an excellent choice for database testing due to its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability. With Karate, you can write tests that interact with your database, fetching data, and validating results with ease. Its support for various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, makes it a versatile tool for testing a wide range of database systems.

Fetching Data from a Database in a Loop

Now, let’s dive into the meat of the matter – fetching data from a database in a loop using Karate BDD. We’ll cover the following topics:

* Connecting to a database
* Fetching data in a loop
* Validating results
* Handling errors

Connecting to a Database

To connect to a database using Karate BDD, you’ll need to create a `karate-config.js` file with the following code:

karate.configure('karate-config', {
  // database connection details
  db: {
    url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb',
    username: 'myuser',
    password: 'mypassword',
    driver: 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'

This code configures Karate to connect to a MySQL database using the provided connection details.

Fetching Data in a Loop

To fetch data from the database in a loop, you can use the `karate.loop()` function, which takes a JSON array as an input and executes a specified block of code for each item in the array.

* def rows = karate.loop(5) // loop 5 times
  * def query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = " + karate.loopIteration
  * def result = karate.db.query(query)
  * match result == [{ id: '#number', name: '#string' }]

In this example, we use the `karate.loop()` function to execute the code block 5 times. Each iteration fetches data from the `mytable` table using a query that increments the `id` value by 1, starting from 1. The `match` statement validates the result, ensuring that it matches the expected schema.

Validating Results

To validate the results of the query, you can use the `match` statement to compare the actual result with an expected schema. In the previous example, we used the `match` statement to validate the result against the expected schema:

* match result == [{ id: '#number', name: '#string' }]

This validation ensures that the result contains an array of objects with `id` and `name` properties, where `id` is a number and `name` is a string.

Handling Errors

To handle errors when fetching data from the database, you can use Karate’s built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the `karate.assert()` function:

* def result = karate.db.query(query)
* karate.assert result.rows.size() > 0, "No data found"

In this example, we use the `karate.assert()` function to check if the result set contains at least one row. If no data is found, the test fails with an error message.

Example Scenario: Fetching Customer Data

Let’s create an example scenario that fetches customer data from a database in a loop:

Feature: Fetching Customer Data

  * def db = karate.call('karate-config')

Scenario: Fetch customer data
  * def rows = karate.loop(10) // loop 10 times
  * def query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id = " + karate.loopIteration
  * def result = karate.db.query(query)
  * match result == [{ id: '#number', name: '#string', email: '#string' }]
  * def customerData = result[0]
  * print 'Customer Data:', customerData

In this scenario, we fetch customer data from the `customers` table in a loop, using the `karate.loop()` function to execute the code block 10 times. Each iteration fetches data for a customer with an incrementing `id` value, starting from 1. The `match` statement validates the result against the expected schema, and we print the customer data to the console.


Fetching data from a database in a loop using Karate BDD is a powerful technique for testing database interactions. By following this guide, you’ve learned how to connect to a database, fetch data in a loop, validate results, and handle errors. With Karate BDD, you can write robust and reliable tests that ensure your database interactions are working as expected.

Remember to experiment with different scenarios, queries, and validation strategies to get the most out of Karate BDD. Happy testing!

Keyword Description
Karate BDD Open-source API test automation framework
karate-config.js Configuration file for Karate BDD
karate.loop() Function for executing a code block in a loop
karate.db.query() Function for executing a database query
match Statement for validating results against an expected schema

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve mastered the art of fetching data from a database in a loop using Karate BDD. Go ahead and put your newfound skills to the test!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about Karate BDD – Fetching data from a database in a loop!

How do I fetch data from a database in a Karate BDD test?

To fetch data from a database in a Karate BDD test, you can use the `karate.jdbc()` API to execute a SQL query and retrieve the results. For example, you can use the following code snippet: `* def result = karate.jdbc(‘jdbc:h2:mem:test’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘SELECT * FROM users’)`. This will execute the SQL query and store the result in the `result` variable.

How do I loop through the fetched data in Karate BDD?

To loop through the fetched data in Karate BDD, you can use the `karate.forEach()` API. For example, you can use the following code snippet: `* karate.forEach(result, function(row) { println(row.username) })`. This will loop through each row in the result set and print the `username` column.

Can I use a loop to execute a Karate BDD test multiple times with different data?

Yes, you can use a loop to execute a Karate BDD test multiple times with different data. For example, you can use the following code snippet: `* def testData = [{ username: ‘user1’, password: ‘pass1’ }, { username: ‘user2’, password: ‘pass2’ }] * testData.forEach(function(data) { call read(‘login.feature’) data })`. This will execute the `login.feature` test multiple times with different data.

How do I handle errors when fetching data from a database in Karate BDD?

To handle errors when fetching data from a database in Karate BDD, you can use the `try`-`catch` block to catch any exceptions that may occur. For example, you can use the following code snippet: `try { * def result = karate.jdbc(‘jdbc:h2:mem:test’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘SELECT * FROM users’) } catch (e) { println(‘Error fetching data: ‘ + e.getMessage()) }`. This will catch any exceptions that may occur during the execution of the SQL query.

Can I use Karate BDD to test data-driven scenarios?

Yes, Karate BDD is well-suited for testing data-driven scenarios. You can use Karate’s built-in support for data-driven testing to execute tests multiple times with different data. For example, you can use the `Examples` table in a feature file to specify multiple data sets, and then use Karate’s `Scenario Outline` feature to execute the test multiple times with different data.

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