How to Keep AG Grid Filter After Selecting All Filtered: The Ultimate Guide
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How to Keep AG Grid Filter After Selecting All Filtered: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you tired of losing your carefully crafted filters in AG Grid every time you select all filtered data? Do you find yourself re-applying filters over and over again, only to have them disappear into thin air? Fear not, dear developer, for we have the solution to this age-old problem! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to keep AG Grid filter after selecting all filtered, and take your data filtering skills to the next level.

Understanding the Problem

By default, AG Grid resets its filter state when you select all filtered data. This behavior makes sense in some scenarios, but it can be frustrating when you need to maintain a specific filter condition. Perhaps you’re working with large datasets and want to analyze a specific subset of data, or maybe you’re building a complex data analysis tool that requires filters to stay in place. Whatever the reason, we’ll explore the ways to overcome this limitation and keep those filters where they belong – in place!

The AG Grid Filter Saga

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a quick look at how AG Grid filters work. AG Grid provides an excellent filtering system that allows users to narrow down data based on specific conditions. You can create filters using various operators, such as equals, contains, starts with, and more. These filters can be applied to individual columns or across multiple columns using AND/OR logic.

  1. Apply filter: User applies a filter using the filter popup or by typing in the filter input field.
  2. Filter applied: AG Grid updates the grid data to reflect the applied filter.
  3. Select all filtered: User selects all filtered data using the “Select All” button or by pressing Ctrl+A (or Cmd+A on Mac).
  4. Filters disappear: AG Grid resets the filter state, and the filters are lost.

Solution 1: Using onSelectionChanged Event

The first solution involves using the onSelectionChanged event in AG Grid. This event is triggered whenever the selection changes, including when the user selects all filtered data. We can leverage this event to capture the current filter state and reapply it after the selection change.

onSelectionChanged: params => {
  const filterModel = params.api.getFilterModel();
  const filterState = filterModel.serialize();

  // Store the filter state somewhere (e.g., in a variable or local storage)
  this.filterState = filterState;

  // Reapply the filter state after selection change

In this example, we capture the current filter state using the getFilterModel() method and store it in a variable. When the selection changes, we reapply the stored filter state using the setFilterModel() method.

Advantages and Limitations

This solution has its advantages, such as being relatively simple to implement and not requiring significant changes to your existing code. However, it has some limitations, including:

  • It only works when the selection change is triggered by the user (e.g., selecting all filtered data).
  • It may not work correctly when the selection change is triggered programmatically (e.g., using the selectAll() method).

Solution 2: Using a Custom Filter Model

The second solution involves creating a custom filter model that extends the built-in AG Grid filter model. This approach allows us to override the default behavior and maintain the filter state even after selecting all filtered data.

class CustomFilterModel extends agGrid.FilterModel {
  constructor() {
    this.filteredData = null;

  serialize() {
    const serializedState = super.serialize();
    if (this.filteredData) {
      serializedState.filteredData = this.filteredData;
    return serializedState;

  deserialize(state) {
    if (state.filteredData) {
      this.filteredData = state.filteredData;

  getFilterState() {
    return {
      filteredData: this.filteredData,

  setFilterState(state) {
    if (state.filteredData) {
      this.filteredData = state.filteredData;

In this example, we create a custom filter model that extends the built-in AG Grid filter model. We add a filteredData property to store the current filtered data, and override the serialize() and deserialize() methods to include this property in the filter state.

To use this custom filter model, you’ll need to provide it to the AG Grid component:


Advantages and Limitations

This solution has its advantages, such as providing a more robust and flexible way to maintain the filter state. However, it requires more code and effort to implement, and may require additional tweaks to work seamlessly with your existing code.

Solution 3: Using a Third-Party Library

The third solution involves using a third-party library that provides additional features and functionality for AG Grid, including filter state persistence. One popular library is ag-grid-community, which offers a range of features, including filter state management.

With ag-grid-community, you can enable filter state persistence by setting the persistFilterState property to true:


This solution is relatively easy to implement, and ag-grid-community provides a range of other useful features and customization options. However, it may require additional configuration and setup to work seamlessly with your existing code.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored three solutions to keep AG Grid filter after selecting all filtered data. Whether you choose to use the onSelectionChanged event, a custom filter model, or a third-party library, you can now maintain the filter state and provide a better user experience for your users. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your needs and requirements, and happy coding!

Solution Advantages Limitations
onSelectionChanged Event Easy to implement, works for user-triggered selection changes Limited to user-triggered selection changes, may not work for programmatically triggered changes
Custom Filter Model Provides robust filter state management, works for both user-triggered and programmatically triggered changes Requires more code and effort to implement, may require additional tweaks
Third-Party Library (ag-grid-community) Easy to implement, provides additional features and customization options Requires additional configuration and setup, may have compatibility issues with existing code

By following the instructions and explanations provided in this guide, you’ll be able to keep your AG Grid filters in place, even after selecting all filtered data. Happy coding, and may the filters be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of AG Grid filtering! Below, we’ll dive into the most pressing questions about keeping those filters in place after selecting all filtered data.

Q1: How do I keep the AG Grid filter applied after selecting all filtered data?

To keep the AG Grid filter applied, you can use the `onFirstDataRendered` event and set the filter model programmatically using the `setFilterModel` method. This way, the filter will be reapplied after selecting all filtered data.

Q2: Can I use the `onRowSelected` event to maintain the filter?

While the `onRowSelected` event can be used to detect when a row is selected, it’s not the most effective way to maintain the filter. Instead, use the `onFirstDataRendered` event, as it ensures the filter is reapplied after the data has been rendered.

Q3: What if I’m using a custom filter component? Can I still keep the filter applied?

Absolutely! When using a custom filter component, you can maintain the filter by storing the filter state and reapplying it after selecting all filtered data. You can use the `onFilterChanged` event to capture the filter state and then reapply it using the `setFilterModel` method.

Q4: How do I ensure the filter is maintained when the data is updated?

To maintain the filter when the data is updated, use the `onRowDataChanged` event. This event is triggered when the row data changes, allowing you to reapply the filter using the `setFilterModel` method.

Q5: Are there any performance implications when maintaining the filter after selecting all filtered data?

In general, maintaining the filter after selecting all filtered data should not have significant performance implications. However, it’s essential to ensure that your filter logic is optimized and efficient to prevent any potential performance issues.