Solving the Frustrating “Access Denied by Service Policy” Error in Ejabberd
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Solving the Frustrating “Access Denied by Service Policy” Error in Ejabberd

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Are you tired of receiving the error message “Access denied by service policy” in ejabberd? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the troubleshooting process, providing clear and direct instructions to help you resolve this frustrating issue.

Understanding Ejabberd and the Service Policy

Ejabberd is a popular open-source XMPP server used for real-time communication. It’s widely adopted due to its scalability, reliability, and flexibility. One of the essential components of ejabberd is the service policy, which determines how users can access and interact with the server.

The service policy is a set of rules that define the allowed actions, such as registration, login, and message sending, for users and servers. These rules are crucial in maintaining the security and integrity of your ejabberd installation.

The “Access Denied by Service Policy” Error

The “Access denied by service policy” error occurs when a user or server attempts to perform an action that is not permitted by the service policy. This error can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • Incorrect configuration of the service policy
  • Insufficient permissions for the user or server
  • Firewalls or network restrictions blocking access
  • Authentication issues with the XMPP server

Troubleshooting the “Access Denied by Service Policy” Error

To resolve the “Access denied by service policy” error, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Verify the Service Policy Configuration

    Check the ejabberd configuration file (usually located at /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg) for any typos, syntax errors, or incorrect settings. Look for the following parameters:


    Make sure these parameters are correctly defined and aligned with your security requirements.

  2. Check User Permissions

    Verify that the user attempting to access the server has the necessary permissions. Check the user’s role, group, and access level in the ejabberd configuration file or administration interface.

  3. Firewall and Network Configuration

    Inspect your firewall and network settings to ensure that they are not blocking access to the ejabberd server. Check for any restrictive rules or port blocking that might be causing the issue.

  4. XMPP Server Authentication

    Verify that the XMPP server is properly configured and that the authentication process is working correctly. Check the ejabberd logs for any authentication-related errors.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, try these advanced troubleshooting techniques:

Enabling Debug Logging

Enable debug logging in ejabberd to gather more detailed information about the error. You can do this by adding the following lines to your ejabberd configuration file:

log_level: 5
log_rotate_size: 10485760
log_rotate_daily: true
log_rotate_count: 30

This will increase the log level to 5, which will provide more verbose output, and enable log rotation.

Using the Ejabberd Command-Line Tool

The ejabberd command-line tool (ejabberdctl) can be used to test the service policy and authentication mechanisms. Run the following command to test the service policy:

ejabberdctl check_acl <username> <host> <resource>

Replace , , and with the actual values related to the user or server experiencing the issue.

Checking the Ejabberd Logs

Inspect the ejabberd logs to identify any specific error messages or patterns that might indicate the cause of the “Access denied by service policy” error. You can use tools like `grep` or `awk` to filter and analyze the log output.

Solution Examples

Here are some solution examples to demonstrate how to resolve the “Access denied by service policy” error in different scenarios:

Scenario Solution
User registration denied due to incorrect service policy configuration Update the service policy to allow user registration and ensure the correct authentication mechanisms are in place.
Server-to-server communication blocked by firewall rules Configure the firewall to allow incoming traffic on the XMPP port (5222) and ensure that the server is properly configured to communicate with other XMPP servers.
Authentication issues due to incorrect password or credentials Verify the user’s credentials and ensure they are correctly configured in the ejabberd administration interface or configuration file.


The “Access denied by service policy” error in ejabberd can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting techniques and solutions, you can resolve the issue and ensure seamless communication for your users. Remember to verify the service policy configuration, check user permissions, inspect firewall and network settings, and troubleshoot XMPP server authentication.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Access denied by service policy” error and maintaining a secure and efficient ejabberd installation.

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there! If you’re stuck with “Access denied by service policy in ejabberd”, don’t panic! We’ve got the answers to get you back on track.

What does “Access denied by service policy in ejabberd” mean?

This error message indicates that ejabberd’s service policy is preventing access to a specific resource or feature. It’s like a big, red “STOP” sign telling you that something is not allowed according to the rules set by your ejabberd administrator.

Why am I getting this error?

There could be several reasons! Some possible causes include: incorrect username or password, incorrect XMPP domain or server address, or your account being blocked or restricted by the admin. It’s also possible that the service policy has been updated, and you’re trying to access something that’s no longer allowed.

How can I troubleshoot this issue?

Start by double-checking your username, password, and XMPP domain or server address. Next, try accessing ejabberd from a different device or network to rule out any local issues. If you’re still stuck, try contacting your ejabberd administrator to see if there are any policy changes or restrictions in place.

Can I bypass the service policy?

Sorry, buddy! As a user, you won’t be able to bypass the service policy. Ejabberd’s security features are in place to protect your account and data, so trying to bypass them could put you and others at risk. Instead, work with your admin to resolve any policy issues or restrictions.

Where can I find more information about ejabberd service policies?

You can find ejabberd’s official documentation and guides on their website, which cover service policies, configuration, and troubleshooting. Additionally, you can search online for ejabberd communities, forums, and support channels, where you can ask questions and get help from experienced users and developers.